What is it like growing up in a country you know very little about? What is beyond the popular stereotypes about a certain culture/ country? Well-traveled, well-read parents write about their childhood and the place they grew up in.
If you want to change your world, try changing your stories; the ones you tell about yourselves and the ones you listen to.
Custodians of culture, Storytellers, Parenting Experts, Military or Police, Go-To Resources in everything life, Babysitters, Consultants, Head Chefs, even in-house Doctors - they have played several roles in millions of households around the world and especially in Asian families. No wonder then they have been given this ‘grand’ status in families. Now in context of loosening hold of traditions, nuclear families, and the advent of of web, Wikipedia, Google and Social Media, how do the wise, experienced, relaxed grandparents stay relevant?
How do parents make sense of this parenting environment characterized by continuous change, technology domination, rising affluence and choice… Hear from experts who dig into traditional wisdom, modern research or both.
The stories we hear, the symbols we see and the rituals we follow define our culture, our environment. In some places, the culture is very homogeneous; everyone has the same lifestyle, follows same rituals, has similar aspirations, values. In some places, the culture is diverse; people from different cultures or with different set of values and rituals live together. Whichever place you are living (and raising children) in, whether you are in the same place as you grew up in and coping with changing culture, or trying to blend into a new culture (due to relocation), being aware of different cultures enriches lives and educates us about the world, others and our own selves. This is a page for 'slow read'. The articles are thoughtfully curated and mindfully articulated by those who have lived in different parts of the world, experienced diverse cultures. The articles are their reflection on a culture they grew up in or the culture they currently inhabit or both.
aim online is the hive that gathers and stores this wisdom for today’s global, modern parents and families around the world. Savour the nectar and leave your comments below. (email connect@kaleidoscopetd.com if you face any problems on the site)